Next Generation Data’s (NGD) will expand its largest data centre in Newport, Wales by adding five data halls to the 750,000 sq ft facility.

The company is expanding its facility following demand from multinationals and local businesses, it said.

The self-contained halls will hold up to 500 computer racks and are under construction by around 100 on-site contractors.

NGD said the expansion will be finished within six weeks and also revealed further expansion of the 100% hydroelectric powered campus until the end of the year.

The centre supports IT infrastructure and data storage from various UK government and multinational IT service provider organisations including BT, CGI, IBM and Wipro Technologies.

Steve Davis, marketing director at Next Generation Data said: "NGD already makes an important contribution to the Welsh high technology industry and our continued expansion is also good for the local economy through jobs creation.

"With the addition of these latest halls, three of which are already pre-sold to large corporate clients, we are well ahead of plan with a total of 18 halls accounted for – the equivalent to filling several large standalone data centres.

"Our increased focus on attracting local businesses which may require much smaller computing and storage facilities is also paying dividends."