Cloud computing company NetSuite has unveiled a new version of its e-Commerce cloud platform that incorporates new social media from Fluid, and search engine marketing (SEM) capabilities from KENSHOO.

NetSuite said that social media monitoring, a component of Fluid Social, will allow content from blogs, forums and product reviews to be tied directly in real-time with a customer’s activity and purchase history, allowing a retailer to better cross-sell and up-sell.

Analysis of collective trends from forums and blogs can also be done to refine and gauge the success of marketing campaigns.

Meanwhile, the new platform’s SEM capability enhances ROI by giving greater visibility into every step of the marketing process, meaning companies can tailor campaigns to meet specific business goals.

NetSuite claims that after defining targets, such as visitor generation, revenue, or product sales, its end-to-end SEM delivers goal-driven results, automatically optimized keyword spends based on goals, real-time campaign management, full integration with CRM data, and dashboard reporting and full campaign profitability analysis.

NetSuite tightly integrates these new features with its end-to-end eCommerce business management suite, which brings together applications for e-Commerce, customer relationship marketing (CRM) and financial/accounting.

The company said that new, scriptable checkout capabilities enable merchants to define rules and procedures to determine promotions, discounts, inventory selection and complex global taxation rules.

The new added functionality enables NetSuite Ecommerce merchants to increase conversion rates, provide consumers with a way to obtain instant feedback on merchandising choices, and build valuable prospects, Netsuite said.

NetSuite is the only fully-integrated cloud computing platform which can directly correlate content from blogs, forums, product reviews, gift registries, and live chat with complete customer activity and purchase history, and tie that information directly to a complete CRM system and product database.

Fluid is a provider of digital shopping software, custom design and strategic consulting, while KENSHOO is a global innovator in search engine marketing (SEM) technology.