Online movie rental company Netflix, has signed a partnership with Sony Electronics to stream movies onto Sony’s Bravia internet video-capable HDTVs and on previous Bravia models compatible with its Bravia internet video link module.

Starting this fall, Netflix is expected to offer around 12,000 movies and TV episodes for streaming over the internet for the subscribers on an unlimited plan, who pay around $9 per month.

Sony is the latest consumer electronics company to partner with Netflix, apart from Microsoft (with the Xbox360), LG Electronics, Roku, Samsung, TiVo and VIZIO.

Reed Hastings, chief executive officer of Netflix, said: Sony has been a world leader in consumer electronics for decades. We are proud to include Sony Electronics among our CE partners who continue to provide new and exciting ways for Netflix members to instantly watch movies and TV episodes in their living rooms on their TVs.

Netflix is an online movie rental service, with around ten million subscribers. Netflix members can get DVDs delivered to their homes and can watch movies and TV episodes streamed to their TVs and PCs. Members can also choose from over 100,000 DVD titles and a library of more than 12,000 choices that can be watched instantly.