Motorola Mobility has introduced it flexible closed-loop statistical multiplexer (statmux) for European operators.

The company said that the new offering is expected to improve bandwidth efficiency and video quality to up to 20%.

The Statmux incorporates the Motorola SE-6000 encoder with Motorola’s perceptual video processing (PVP) and DM-6400 CherryPicker application platform.

The company said that by incorporating PVP with Motorola’s compression algorithms, the SE-6000 encoder is capable of improving video quality by up to 20%, or achieving the same video quality with a 20% savings of bandwidth required.

The DM-6400 CherryPicker has also been upgraded to include the closed-loop statmux controller, said the company.

In addition, the DM-6400 includes the entire set of features available from the classic CherryPicker design, enabling other services on the same platform as required such as Simulcrypt, DVB support, ad insertion, splicing, rate shaping and graphic overlay, said Motorola Mobility.

Motorola Mobility Network Infrastructure senior vice-president and general manager Joe Cozzolino said the new closed-loop statmux incorporates Motorola’s latest developments in the area of perpetual video processing and statmux technologies.

Cozzolino continued, "By pooling Motorola’s video processing technologies into one solution, we can enable service providers to deliver higher quality video content or free up significant spectrum, based on the needs of their network."

Motorola’s new statmux offering will be commercially available for European operators and service providers in the first half of 2012, said the company.