Messaging and device management expert MCTEL has partnered one2many, a cell broadcast company, to provide new cell broadcast (CB) offerings, able to broadcast messages to all devices.

MCTELO said that CB technology offers a non-intrusive, real-time service of distributing text messages and binary content to mobile handsets, specific to their current location.

The new offering is also capable of broadcasting one single message to reach all mobile handsets in an area as small as one radio cell and as big as an entire country.

Under the partnership, MCTEL’s will add its device & SIM management to one2many’s cell broadcast technology which enables operator settings control, ease of configuration and also increases coverage rate of cell broadcast campaigns.

one2many managing director Maarten Mes said that the partnership with MCTEL fosters and supports bilateral research projects which have potential for commercialisation of CB services.

"MCTEL has addressed and found a solution for cell broadcast device & SIM management, supporting operators to maximise revenue from cell broadcast commercial services," Mes said.