Kaspersky Lab has detected a new malware called ‘Red October’, used for cyber espionage targeted at diplomatic missions and government agencies across the world.

The malware was created to steal data, geopolitical intelligence, mobile phones and network equipment.

Prime targets of the malware were countries of Eastern Europe, Central Asia and former USSR countries. Although the victims could be from Western Europe and North America.

Operation Red October, dubbed as "Rocra" is claimed to be still be active and has been since 2007, according to Kaspersky Lab.

The cyber campaigners created more than 60 domain names and several server hosting locations with the majority located in Germany and Russia.

Rocra claimed to have its own unique modular architecture comprised of malicious extensions, info-stealing modules and backdoor Trojans.

The attackers used a targeted spear-phishing email to infect a system which included a customised Trojan dropper.