In the wake of the recent terrorist attacks in Paris, PTC CEO Jim Heppelmann sent out his "thoughts and prayers" to those in the French capital, after taking to the LiveWorx stage in Stuttgart, Germany.

On the same day that George Osborne set out a cyber plan for the UK, Heppelmann said that security issues within the IoT space are "basically a new type of terrorism" stressing that the "IoT security problem is very analogous to the security problem we have in data centres".

He said: "It is basically a new type of terrorism. Maybe the battle will just go on forever and we just need to bulk up. It is an open war. We have to be careful."

Heppelmann also said that when it comes to IoT, we are not just talking about compromising data, "we are talking about compromising [products and services] control which is a bigger deal".

CBR asked Heppelmann if the recent ISIS threats and rising cyber risks would have an impact on the company’s security strategy.

He said: "We ensure our software is secure and we test for security events. We have many projects on an ongoing basis. I do not think the Paris attacks changed it in one way or the other.

"I do think security is a problem, but the security problem on the IoT is simply a continuation of the security problem in the data centre. It is not fundamentally a different problem.

"[For example,] Computing systems can be made very secure, but it takes resources, money, talent and know-how. You can make connected products securer depending on how much money you want to spend, like you do with data centres."