China based telecom firm Huawei has hit back at the US House of Representatives’ Intelligence Committee who considered it as a security threat.

Huawei senior executive Chen Li Fang was quoted by BBC as saying that the firm should not be treated unfairly because the company is a based in China.

"We totally understand concerns about cybersecurity," Fang said.

"But if any congressman or woman raises concerns or fears because a company originates in a particular country, I don’t think that would be fair."

In October, a report from the US Intelligence Committee had warned US firms against dealing with Huawei and ZTE, in addition asked whether the firms were too close to China’s Communist Party and its military.

The report also suggested that the firm’s presence in the US would allow the Chinese government to keep a secret eye on the US government and their products and services could pose a long-term security threat to the country.

On the other hand, the firm has been welcomed in the UK and is planning to invest $2bn over the next five years for research and development as well as for purchase of components.

Huawei works with UK’s chief telecommunications carriers and broadband service providers and assist them in building infrastructure for fixed and mobile broadband services.