Global 4G LTE revenues are expected to surpass $340bn by 2017 compared to $75bn in 2013, according to a new report from Juniper Research.

A report by Juniper research reveals that mobile revenues of 2G, 3G and 4G will make up31% of total service revenues by 2017.

During 2013, the number of subscribers signing up for 4G LTE services are expected to rise and will surpass enterprise subscriber numbers by 2015.

The report also revealed that the rise in LTE capable smartphones and other connected devices would push mobile network operators (MNO) to develop clear pricing schemes to transition customers.

Juniper Research senior analyst and author, Nitin Bhas, said that overall MNOs will have to present customers with innovative services that will meet users’ requirements and values.

"Operators will have to review their tariff structures to balance the need to monetise the greatly increased data throughput, yet still