After experimenting with new buttons to express more emotions other than likes, Facebook is testing new tools to help people deal with breakups.

With the new tool users will not have to un-friend or block their former partners in order to deal with the situation.

Facebook will present users with new tools when they change their relationship status to indicate they are no longer in a relationship.

The tools will allow users to see less of a former partner’s name and profile picture around Facebook.

Posts by former partners will not appear on the News Feed, and their names will not appear when users write a new message or tag friends in photos.

Users will be able to limit the photos, videos and status updates that a former partner will be able to see, which will help maintain privacy.

Users can also dig up their history and un-tag themselves from past posts and posts with a former partner.

Facebook Product Manager Kelly Winters said: "We’re starting to test these tools today in the US on mobile, and we’ll make changes and roll them out further based on people’s feedback.

"All of these tools are optional, and people will be able to access them in the help center anytime.

"We hope these tools will help people end relationships on Facebook with greater ease, comfort and sense of control."