Swedish telecoms equipment manufacturer Ericsson has asked the US International Trade Commission (ITC) to clamp a ban on imports of products into the country, manufactured by South Korean electronics firm Samsung.

Ericsson’s request comes after it sued Samsung for infringing its patents in a US court recently.

Ericsson claimed that Samsung has not renewed a license to use its patented technology based on the earlier accepted Fair, Reasonable and Non-Discriminatory (FRAND) terms two years ago.

Ericsson spokesman Fredrik Hallstan told Reuters that the request for an import ban is a part of the process.

"An import ban is not our goal," Hallstan said.

"Our goal is that they (Samsung) sign license agreements on reasonable terms."

The South Korean firm said that it would defend itself against the lawsuit and added that Ericsson had seek higher royalty rates for the same patent portfolio.

Ericsson has requested ban of sales of several Samsung manufactured products including cameras, Blu-ray Disc players, televisions and phones alleging that they infringe on its patents in the US.

Samsung also noted that it would face the allegations.