Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) market is expected to cross $2bn in 2016 as its role is expanding as a core element of cost reduction, improve user experience, and new service delivery in mobile networks, according to a report by the Strategy Analytics.

According to the report, DPI is providing to be a critical tool for mobile data traffic monetisation, prompting vendors to improve quality of experience, links to subscriber data analytics, value added services, optimisation and charging.

Strategy Analytics Mobile Broadband Opportunity service director Susan Welsh de Grimaldo said better Quality of Experience (QoE) for mobile data services requires better tools in the network, with more granular visibility into traffic flowing over networks.

"DPI is becoming a strategic weapon for mobile operators as they seek to control and monetize mobile data traffic, and leading vendors are stepping up to meet evolving operator needs," Grimaldo said.

With DPI is emerging as a critical tool, operators are increasingly look for DPI vendors with better use cases and flexible applications who can share risk as a prime contractor.

Strategy Analytics Service Provider Analysis director Sue Rudd said: "Top DPI vendors are supporting new operator revenue growth by integrating real-time charging, subscriber analytics, policy, and traffic optimization — especially for video — all to enhance customer satisfaction and QoE."

Three main players in the DPI segment include Allot Communications, Sandvine, and Procera Networks with Allot Communications emerging as revenue and innovation leader.