US based Cisco Systems has claimed that China based telecom firm Huawei did not state the facts correctly regarding their 2003 copyright infringement lawsuit.

According to Cisco, Huawei has released segments from what it was claimed to be an earlier sealed document.

The lawsuit claimed that Huawei had infringed about five patented technologies of Cisco and had imitated Cisco’s Internetwork Operating System (IOS) source code, by deploying it in the operating system for its Quidway routers and switches.

However Huawei had said that the Cisco’s allegations were unjustified as it had obtained the conflicted source code form an intermediary.

Huawei Corporate senior vice president and US chief representative Charles Ding said that the firm respects the efforts the Chinese government is making to increase intellectual property protection.

"Rather, this dispute involved a very simple claim that one company used the other’s trade secrets and copyrighted materials without permission," Ding said.

"Unlike the smartphone patent battles, where parties try to protect and grow their market share by suing each other over broad patents where no direct copying is required, let alone even knowledge that a patent exists, this litigation involved allegations by Ciscoof direct, verbatim copying of our source code, to say nothing of our command line interface, our help screens, our copyrighted manuals and other elements of our products."

Recently, the US House of Representatives’ Intelligence Committee had warned the US based firms of doing business with Huawei and claimed that China could use products developed by the firm for spying and cause danger to vital systems.

The panel had also warned about doing business with another Chinese firm ZTE which is also claimed to pose a security threat to the country.