Brightcove, a provider of online video services, has entered into a company-wide agreement with Johnston Press, a UK- based regional media business, enabling them to incorporate advertising-supported video content across its 323 regional web properties.

The deal represents the next phase in Johnston Press’s digital strategy to engage its online communities through rich media content and online video. Johnston Press will launch the Brightcove platform across its regional Web properties later this year.

Johnston Press has made a seven-figure investment in video equipment and training to enable regional affiliates to produce and publish video content to accompany articles. The Brightcove platform will move this initiative forward, allowing Johnston Press to ingest video content from all sources, including its readers.

The Brightcove platform will also enable Johnston’s properties to distribute and share content and allow for flexibility and creativity in how it publish content, establish distribution policies, and target advertising.

Brightcove, chairman and CEO of Jeremy Allaire, said: We are thrilled that Johnston Press has chosen the Brightcove online video platform to support its digital initiatives and to enable all of its regional Web properties to deepen engagement with consumers, reach new audiences across the Internet and foster an advertising business.