Big Switch Networks and Dell have started shipping the SDN software and open networking hardware, integrating the Dell Networking S4810-ON switch in a bid to offer hyperscale networking technologies to global data centres.

Both companies will also ship the Dell Networking S6000-ON switch later this month, together with Big Switch’s Big Tap SDN Controller software and Switch Light OS.

The combination of Dell’s hardware and Big Switch’s software will enable improved monitoring designs required by hyperscale data centre operators.

As part of the multi-step product integration and go-to-market relationship signed in April, the new offering integrates Big Switch’s Big Tap Controller and Switch Light OS with Dell’s S4810-ON and S6000-ON data centre switches.

Big Switch Networks CEO Doug Murray said: "Dell’s open networking strategy is reshaping the networking industry landscape, and we’re excited to be working closely with them.

"Data center operators using Dell open networking switch hardware can now deploy an integrated Dell/Big Switch solution as part of their migration strategy to SDN."

Big Switch’s Switch Light Operating System is now powering Dell’s open networking switches, linking it to the Big Tap Controller to develop advanced monitoring fabrics.

The reseller deal is aimed at dealing with enterprises, telecom service providers, and Web 2.0 data centre operators who require enhanced tool farms for network monitoring, troubleshooting, and security.

The S4810-ON switch offers 48 10G ports and 4 40G ports, while S6000-ON boasts 32 ports of 40G.

Big Tap designs will allow integrating the S4810-ON and S6000-ON in a group of physical fabric designs controlled via the Big Tap Controller and operated as a unified fabric.

Dell Networking global strategy director Adnan Bhutta said: "As enterprises continue to migrate from legacy systems to more advanced hyperscale networking solutions, the Dell open networking Strategy is in place to help provide customer choice — Big Switch’s SDN is a key component of this offering.

"This migration to an SDN-based environment is a big step for enterprises, and our combined offering helps reassure these folks that they’ll be well supported into the future."