Colo Aligned Data Centres, the data centre arm of Aligned Energy, is planning to build a $300 million facility in Plano, Texas.

The facility is planned to start operations next November, and it is one of the six planned infrastructures to be built in the US, according to the company.

The data centre, to be located at 2800 Summit Avenue, will have 300,000 square feet of commercial space and 30MW of power.

Jakob Carnemark, CEO at Aligned Energy, told Dallas Business Journal, the Plano region is "a very good market from a fibre and power perspective".

The company added that it will first build 100,000 square feet of colo space on the 16 acre space in Plano.

Chris James, EMEA Marketing Director at Virtual Instruments, told CBR: "With cloud outsourcing at full pace for non-critical, non-competitive advantage applications there is still space for more data centres [in the US market].

"The way they will grow to be trusted with more important applications is to provide a performance SLA, rather than availability.

"The only way they can do this is to have a strong Infrastructure Performance Management platform in place to monitor the shared data centre."

The colo firm has also unveiled plans for a second data centre to be operational before the end of 2015. The facility will be located in Phoenix, Arizona. The investment has not been disclosed, but the facility is projected to be a 550,000 square feet hub with 50 MW of power.

Carnemark said: "We want to be the first data centre provider to offer a model of having tenants pay for what they use, similar to the utility model."

Daniel Beazer, senior analyst at Peer 1 Hosting, told CBR: "Pay as you go is a bit of an unproven model in the data centre market: most customers particularly in the wholesale end go to the data centre providers to gain the benefit of long (three year plus) contracts; it can be a very sticky business.

"It is always such a big undertaking to move into or change a data centre: spin up and spin down in a few hours? Months or years is a more realistic timeframe."

Aligned Data Centres is also planning four other locations to come online in 2016 in California, Illinois, New Jersey and Virginia.