Alcatel-Lucent has released its small cell (femtocell) wireless offering that builds on its femto base station router that packs 3G W-CDMA/HSPA radio access and core network elements into one unit.

The company claims that its small cell offering improves coverage in office environments and provides increased data capacity and throughput. It helps wireless service providers in expanding network coverage and capacity indoors.

Alcatel-Lucent said that the small cell offering is designed to address the challenges associated with the introduction of small cells. It features an auto-configuration capability, which enables service providers to deploy and manage small, stand-alone base stations. In addition, it also features device management capabilities provided by the motive home device manager coupled with self-organising network technology.

The company is also introducing a new website that can answer both operator and consumer questions about small cell products and architectures. It also provides insight and commentary on some of the issues associated with the growing focus on small cell architectures.

Wim Sweldens, president of wireless activities at Alcatel-Lucent, said: “Demand for mobile data services is growing dramatically, and business applications represent a particularly promising market for mobile service providers. Our small cell offering for enterprises is perfectly suited to addressing the needs of businesses for uninterrupted, high-quality mobile connectivity on their premises.”