Dartware has released a new version of InterMapper network monitoring software with InterMapper Flows, an integrated NetFlow analyser.

The InterMapper 5.2 includes new WMI probes that return detailed performance data about Windows servers and workstations through the Windows management interface. The performance and diagnostic information allows network technicians to determine network problems that reside in the server, on the end-user workstation, or in the network between, the company said.

According to Dartware, the new HTTP API allows network managers to create programs that can import and export data with the InterMapper server, which makes possible a whole range of applications such as tools for synchronising a primary and backup InterMapper server, adding new devices to InterMapper maps, acknowledging problems through the web, or exporting network problem alerts to trouble-ticket systems or other management offerings.

InterMapper also supports the InterMapper Flows software, which provides a NetFlow and sFlow analyser, built directly into the InterMapper user interface. The flow-related data enables customers to tell who is using bandwidth and for what purpose, the company said.

In addition, the new version features include, companion scripts that combine command-line probes with the scripts they run into a single file, which allows users to distribute and share new probes; new CScript and Python command-line macros that allows users to create command-line probes that integrate the Windows Scripting Host or Python, which is installed as part of InterMapper DataCenter, the company said.