Dansk Data Elektronik A/S, the Herlev, Denmark Unix multiprocessor manufacturer, hadn’t pulled itself back into profit in the six months to October 31. Although pre-tax losses were down to the equivalent of $1.9m from $2.7m last time, net losses climbed to $1.9m from $1.6m. Turnover, meanwhile, dropped 26% to $19.7m. In his statement, managing director Claus Erik Christoffersen lamented the poor performance of the firm’s subsidiaries, which lost $236,686 between them in the six months. He pointed to restructuring, which has now been completed at a cost of $295,857, and added that the company would return to profit in the second half, to finish the year modestly ahead. This will be helped by a good order book and a victory in a tax case over building depreciation, which, barring appeals, should win it a $798,816 refund along with tax-free interest income of $147,928. Christoffersen predicted a second-half turnover far in excess of the first half, due to the way that turnover distribution had worked out over the two six-month periods. Meanwhile, Dansk’s gross margins rose 11.5% to 68%.