Dayna Communications Inc is shipping its DaynaNet local area network operating system for Apple Macs and mixed Macintosh and MS-DOS workgroups. DaynaNet, an adaptation of the OEM version of Novell Inc’s NetWare, consists of a server-based operating system and a DaynaTalk PC network interface card, and includes the latest Macintosh Value-Added Processes that enable NetWare to support the Macintosh. It uses an AT-alike as the centralised server and offers print and file services to up to 100 concurrent Macintosh and MS-DOS machines over LocalTalk and compatible cable systems, and supports non-AppleTalk printers. No knowledge of NetWare is needed to install or administer the network because Macintoshes on the network use AppleShare Workstation Software to interface with the operating system, so that users get the familiar Macintosh look to network operations such as logging in, choosing the server and printing. Out now, it costs $1,250.