DaimlerChrysler is using Autodesk Creative Bridge to move beyond the physical limitations of photography, film and hand illustrations by creating digital prototypes of its automobiles that visualize and simulate real-world performance. As a result, the company is able to significantly reduce the time and costs associated with producing visually engaging, product-accurate marketing imagery.

Autodesk’s Creative Bridge is designed to assist senior business managers and marketing professionals to effectively re-use their design and engineering data to develop branded materials that support aggressive and competitive sales and marketing initiatives.

With Autodesk, we can fully leverage the value of our ideas throughout the design process, helping DaimlerChrysler attain new levels of visualization efficiency, stated Tom Haynes, manager of virtual fleet – global shows and multi brand events for the Chrysler Group. In today’s competitive automotive market, DaimlerChrysler realizes the power of reusing our robust engineering data for the creation of digitally produced marketing imagery – and Autodesk Consulting is helping us be successful in this area.