Daimler-Benz AG has confirmed widespread speculation that it wants to take out the 44% minority in electrical and electronic giant AEG AG. Daimler says it intends to offer to exchange one of its own shaers for every five AEG out, valuing the company at around $1,400m and the outstanding minority at about $600m. A rather more generous cash alternative of Dm200 per share, still shy of the DM226.80 of AEG’s shares in the market, valuing the minority at $963m. With the shares trading at a premium to the price of the bid, Daimler is taking steps to accomodate those who want to retain their AEG shares by proposing to pay a dividend set at 20% of its own on each AEG share holders elect to retain. But the intention is to integrate AEG into the Daimler-Benz group while maintaining its identity.