Sunnyvale, California based Da Vinci Graphics has created a vector-to-raster plotter using a Fujitsu 25-pin dot matrix printer, a bi-directional print head and a Motorola 68000 microprocessor, reports Microbytes Daily. The company claims that the RasterPro 720, the so-called penless plotter which converts vector-based plotter instructions to a raster printing format, operates 8 to 10 times faster than conventional pen plotters, but it is stressed that it is not a replacement pen plotter, only a faster alternative in workgroup situations. The plotter produces images with a resolution of 720 dots per inch in two sizes, 11 by 17 and 8.5 by 11 and offers a high speed draft mode at 180 or 360 dots per inch in colour or monochrome. It is compatible with the Hewlett-Packard Graphics Language and can also function as a dot-matrix printer. The plotter created a detailed drawing faster than the HP 7475A plotter, in a demonstration for Microbytes, though the colour was not as good. Due to the demand from users who find plotter pens unreliable, the company hopes to use an ink-jet print mechanism in its next version. The plotter, with 2Mb RAM, will sell for $5,000.