PiCloud and D-Wave Systems have formed a development partnership to align the two companies’ development goals.

Under the deal, D-Wave’s development library will be integrated with PiCloud’s cloud platform, which will give developers remote access to both quantum and conventional computing from within the same framework.

With the integration developers will be able to access a new type of quantum computing hybrid capability from anywhere with Internet access.

PiCloud co-founder Ken Elkabany said D-Wave was a natural fit for the company.

"As we operate in some of the same market spaces, such as financial modeling, defense systems, biological modeling and image analysis. We share the same vision of making all of the world’s compute capability – be it conventional or quantum – easily accessible," Elkabany added.

D-Wave founder and CTO Geordie Rose said because of the exotic nature of the company’s technology, it was designed from the ground up to be used remotely.

"This remote access model works beautifully with PiCloud’s cloud computing platform," he added.

"As a developer, you can send parts of your code to the conventional cloud, and parts to D-Wave quantum computers, and the result is a tool that provides access to a new type of high performance computer that has never existed before."