Cypress Semiconductor Inc yesterday announced the Sparc RISC microprocessor designed for embedded applications: the part delivers 18 MIPS at 25MHz, and costs under $80. The CMOS CY7C611 Sparc RISC Controller, from Cypress’ Ross Technology subsidiary, is aimed at the next generation of copiers, laser printers, X-terminals, communications controllers and input-output controllers. It communicates with external memory via a 24-bit address bus and a 32-bit instruction+ data bus. The CY7C157 Cache RAM can be used directly with the CY7C611 to provide a zero wait-state memory system and the CY7C289 64K by 8-bit Registered PROM is designed to interface directly to the CY7C611, and also delivers zero wait-state performance. And the CY7C602 Floating Point Unit can interface directly to the CY7C611 to speed floating-point system performance. Ready Systems’ VRTX32 real-time operating system will be available on the CY7C611 in the second half. Samples are out now, volume in the third quarter, at $76 for 1,000-up.