US based cyber security firm, Vectra Networks has raised $25M in Series C financing round, led by Accel Partners to speed up development of its realtime cyber attack detection technology.

Its technology tracks attacks at every phase of an ongoing attack for all devices, applications and operating systems.

Accel Partners’ Eric Wolford said: "The increasing volume, creativity and effectiveness of online threats makes cyber security a board-level IT priority for CEOs and CIOs.

"As a result, innovators like Vectra Networks are driving massive disruption in enterprise security by using data science to give IT the upper hand against cyber attacks without having to scale out staffing."

The Vectra X-series platform monitors its client’s network and provides proritised information, so that cyber security managers of the organisation can work on the attack that pose highest risk.

Vectra Networks CEO Hitesh Sheth said: "The reality today is that every network is breached. Advanced persistent attacks are evading existing perimeter security and threatening our digital economy.

"Vectra’s automated and intuitive cyber security platform empowers IT organizations to take a proactive stand against cyber attacks."