Leaked photos involving singers Nicki Minaj and Taylor Swift are rumoured to have emerged on the internet, in what may be the latest stage of the naked celebrity photo leaks.
Several websites including HackRead claimed the photos of Minaj were real because of the appearance of her tattoos in the pictures, while an alleged image of Taylor Swift drew accusations of photoshopping.
The leaks entered a third phase this week as personal images of model Cara Delevingne and actresses Jennifer Lawrence and Anna Kendrick were reported to have surfaced on the forums 4chan and Reddit.
Since the initial leaks iCloud owner Apple have defended the security of their service, which is thought to have been attacked by hackers through repeated password attempts.
Apple chief executive Tim Cook previously told the Wall Street Journal: "When I step back from this terrible scenario that happened and say what more could we have done, I think about the awareness piece."
"I think we have a responsibility to ratchet that up. That’s not really an engineering thing."
Many celebrities have declined to comment on the authenticity of the photos, though some, including actress Mary Winstead, have criticised those who viewed the photos for invading her privacy.