The hacking group Lizard Squad has claimed to have interrupted two video game networks with distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks.
Writing on Twitter the hackers claimed that networks for video games Destiny and Call of Duty: Ghosts had been partially brought offline, though it was unconfirmed whether this applied to Microsoft’s Xbox or Sony’s Playstation networks.
Lizard Squad previously attacked Microsoft’s online gaming service Xbox Live and the video streaming site Twitch in late August, after which it had claimed it would disband.
In a statement previously posted to their website Lizard Squad said: "We set out on our journey two weeks ago [in August] with the plan to cause havoc within the gaming community.
"Our motives varied throughout this adventure. Originally it was to see if we could evade being caught and to experience the raw thrill of anarchy, not being bound to phony laws."
They added that they were just "a bunch of guys with too much free time" and that they were looking to prove they could "cause a lot of havoc without legal repercussions".
In a seemingly related incident the group also messaged John Smedley, president of Sony Online Entertainment, with a picture of his father’s tombstone in San Diego, prompting Smedley to reply that the group would be found out.
Sony and Microsoft have been contacted by CBR for comment.