Facebook is conducting trials on a feature that allows the disappearance of private messages, as part of its experiments to roll out a new option for Messenger app users.

The social networking platform said that the messages will be hidden after some time if the feature is chosen by the user.

The firm announced that the feature is part of a new secret message service with a limited trial.

Senders must select one device to run the service to enable storage of messages sent on the device itself.

The messages flagged to disappear will get removed on the device, the BBC reported.

The company said that it is experimenting the new feature on a limited basis but it will make it widely available for users over the summer.

However, Video and GIFs are currently not allowed to share confidentially.

The new service will also incorporate additional features to report abuse.

 Facebook said: "Starting a secret conversation with someone is optional.

"Secret conversations can only be read on one device and we recognise that experience may not be right for everyone."

The networking site mentioned that people may like to keep their health and financial issues as confidential.

Facebook said: "Facebook will never have access to plain text messages unless one participant in a secret conversation voluntarily reports the conversation.”

Surrey University cybersecurity expert Professor Alan Woodward told the BBC that the service is being developed on the Signal protocol by Open Whisper Systems, which is featured in most of the messaging apps.

Woodward said: “Signal is well tested and those who developed it are well regarded in the cryptography community.

“But the problem with something effectively becoming an open standard in this way is that if ever a problem were found it could have widespread impact.”

Woodward added the technical report released by Facebook did not give details about the steps to ensure the security provided by the service.

 Woodward said: “If I were to choose any messaging system I would look for it to be based on Signal at present.

“However, I'd like to know more about exactly how it is implemented, or at least know that those who can analyse such systems have scrutinised the code.”