Darktrace, a cybersecurity company comprised of ex-spooks from NSA and GCHQ, has revealed details of its new behavioural analytics software.
The firm’s Cyber Intelligence Platform (DCIP) and Threat Visualizer was showcased at a roundtable in central London today, which uses machine learning to detect anomalous behaviour that potentially threatens an organisation.
Nicole Eagan, chief executive of the firm, said: "We have to help companies to know their network, and know their employees’ behaviour better than the adversaries."
DCIP takes the form of a box that sits on a network and monitors activity, generating alerts for the customer dashboard and data that analysts from Darktrace compile into threat intelligence reports at the end of every week.
Though the company offers it as an on premise service, they have seen some of their clients buying it and offering it as a managed service.
Eagan said that many of their competitors were suffering because they had built their products in labs, as opposed to testing them in realistic situations, adding that her own firm was "in a pretty steep growth curve".
Darktrace has dealt with large companies over a broad range of industries so far, including energy, aviation and transport, but is now looking to extend itself to SMEs.
Though originating in the UK, with headquarters and development offices in Cambridge, the firm now has premises as far afield as Paris, Milan, New York and San Francisco, with an American headquarters in Washington, DC.