1. Is the UK falling for smart home robotics?

Brits are embracing IoT with robot cleaners increasing coming into our homes. 1 in 3 now use them for a variety of cleaning tasks such as vacuuming and moping.

The robots are helping keep bank accounts tidy too, saving their owners money.

2. Google and Microsoft bury patent feud

After a patent war that had been going on for five years, the two tech giants decided to lay down their arms this week.

All pending patent infringement litigation between them will be dismissed, including cases related to Motorola Mobility.

3. NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden joins twitter

The man who went into hiding after leaking National Security Agency (NSA) documents decided to come out into the open.

He joined Twitter by asking "can you hear me now?" 1.25m followers now can. Oh, and the only person Snowden decided to follow? The NSA.