BlackRidge Technology has debuted its Identity Aware Networking system, BlackRidge Eclipse which offers proactive protection to network resources by preventing attackers from performing reconnaissance of high-value and mission-critical network assets as well as denies them to communicate anonymously. .

Based on its Transport Access Control (TAC) technology that offers a Caller ID equivalent for networks, BlackRidge Eclipse enables visibility and access to networked applications to be controlled based on user and device identity.

Similar to Caller ID, the TAC embeds user and/or device identity into the first packet of every TCP/IP session.

Since TCP/IP was originally designed for openness and trust, every TCP/IP session began with a significant amount of anonymous, unidentified, and uncontrolled traffic, leaving the network vulnerable to attacks.

BlackRidge Technology chairman and CEO Bob Graham said TAC allows identity to be communicated and interpreted within the network fabric itself, allowing enhanced authentication, authorization and Identity-based network policy enforcement.

"As anonymous traffic gets more and more pervasive, the need to protect the IT environment from this unwanted traffic increases in order to minimize the unnecessary growth of network and security devices," Graham said.

"Our mission is to make Identity Aware Networking the standard for restricting access to IT resources, including traditional security systems, for all but authorized and authenticated users and devices."

BlackRidge Eclipse will be available in the second quarter of 2012 as a physical or virtual gateway appliance for both IPv4 and IPv6 environments with pricing based on per gateway and number of Identities.