Following Adobe’s security breach in September, the news came yesterday that Adobe has still failed to alert many customers about the risk they were exposed to, with only 2.9m accounts informed.

"Email notifications are taking longer than we anticipated," said Adobe spokesman Heather Edell, speaking to Reuters.

The problem is apparently caused by the need to limit the number of emails sent at once, in order to prevent them being marked as mass spam by email providers.

So far only 2.9 million of those affected have been informed, some by letter and some by email.

Which is why it’s nice that other companies seem to be stepping in on behalf of their customers to do the job Adobe should be doing. A coupe days ago I got a friendly email from my notetaking application Evernote, telling me about the security breach.

Evernote says that it compared the email list of its customers with that of Adobe’s, saw that mine was on both, so though to email me saying that my password may have been compromised an I shouldn’t reuse.

Now that’s customer service. Thanks Evernote!
