Outgoing Novell Inc CFO Jim Tolonen already has quite a task on his hands trying to bring ailing First Aid and UnInstaller developer CyberMedia Inc back from the brink. CyberMedia president and CEO Unni Warrier resigned after the Santa Monica, California company said it will restate its December quarter results and expects this quarter’s revenue will be between $5m and $8m compared with $16.5m last year. Tolonen’s former Novell colleague Kanwal Rekhi, who is chairman of the CyberMedia board and now acting president will be seeking help from his executive committee – Tolonen and Ron Posner – to find a new CEO and to begin turning the ship around. It’s hardly a problem Tolonen’s unused to. CyberMedia’s been hit by the same kind of revenue reporting woe that afflicted Novell and the database companies who counted as revenue products that had shipped to the channel were left unsold.