CyberBills Inc has launched, a portal designed to make the company’s internet-based bill management service available to consumers. The company already resells its services through banks and portals, but this is its first direct venture. Once a user signs up, StatusFactory becomes their new billing address. The company scans their paper bills to be posted securely online. Users set preferences from completely automated bill-pay to manual processing or anything in between. As merchants adopt electronic billing, CyberBills will automatically receive e-bills in place of paper.

The Meta Group doesn’t believe consumers are seeking electronic bill presentment and CyberBills CEO John Simpson agrees. Until now, there hasn’t been a complete solution, he told ComputerWire. Bill management is much more than just bill pay or presentment. Consumers don’t want an ad hoc approach. Unlike electronic banking or direct debit, Simpson says, online bill management guarantees users complete access to information and control of payment. We’re taking advantage of the fact that banks aren’t as efficient as they should be, he explained.