Guildford, Surrey-based Cumana Ltd has diversified into 20Mb and 40Mb hard disk subsystems, with initial offerings for the Research Machines RM Nimbus PC, the Atari ST series and compatible PCs: the 20Mb systems house drives from NEC Corp with Adaptek Inc controllers; the 30Mb are Fuji Corp drives with SCSI interfaces; the 40Mb are NEC drives with Adaptek controllers and the 60Mb system, NEC drives with Adaptek RLL controllers; prices range from UKP579 for the 20Mb drive on a RM Nimbus machine to UKP1,095 for the 60Mb drive and UKP779 for the 20Mb drive on the Atari machine to UKP1,349 for the 60Mb drive; a 171Mb drive system will be launched in six weeks and will be fitted with a Fujitsu drive with SCSI interface.