Enhancing co-existence between the DEC and IBM world, Cullinet Software Inc has renamed its 3×3 product strategy Cullinet Enterprise Computing, and brought out a string of new or enhanced products under the Enterprise banner. Enterprise:Expert/VMS is a new version of Application Expert for the DEC VAX that enables a user at a terminal on a VAX to draw data from a DB2 or IDMS/R database on an IBM host. It includes a 3270 communications interface; enhanced voice-response technology; the ability to generate embedded expert components automatically with Cullinet’s application-development environment; integration with Enterprise:DB/VMS relational database manager – the new name for IDMS/SQL; and simplified embedding of expert system components into high-level programs. The 3270 ations interface, used with DEC’s SNA Gateway, gives VAX applications generated by Enterprise:Expert/VMS the ability to access IBM mainframe applications and data, including IDMS/R, DB2, IMS, and VSAM data. Expert components can be automatically embedded into Enterprise:Generator/VMS-developed programs written in Cobol, C, PL-I, Fortran, and Basic.

The single-copy licence for Enterprise:Expert/VMS is $2,250 to $47,900. The company also says that Enterprise:Expert/MVS for IDMS-DC and IDMS-UCF is now available, and is compatible with the Expert/VMS product. It enables knowledge-based systems to be called from and to call applications in Cobol, PL-I and other high-level languages; in the UK, it costs UKP39,000 to UKP55,700 according to the size of processor on which it runs.