According to PCTS, the system is being used to streamline patient flow in St Mary’s emergency department which treats over 53,000 patients annually. PCTS integrated its automatic tracking software with ultrasound locating hardware from business partner, Sonitor Technologies.

The Amelior EDTracker system is expected to automatically track the care progression of patients using real-time locating technologies and emergency department workflow process rules. Caregivers can immediately identify the location of patients and clinical assets through map and status view screens which are continuously updated. The software measures interactions between staff and caregivers to recognize patient care milestones, which help caregivers to anticipate and manage their workflow, said PCTS.

CSM is expected to integrate the software with its ADT and radiology systems so that the status and results of orders can be communicated as part of the information about each patient’s care status. Unlike traditional patient tracking software, information is collected and communicated without manual data entry, added PCTS.

Dianne Foster, director of emergency services at CSM, said: We are pleased to offer our patients and staff the benefits of the automatic tracking system from PCTS. With real-time information on the care progression of all our patients, we can ensure that our patients’ visits will not be unnecessarily delayed because of a lack of information when it is needed.