CSK Corp subsidiary Micrognosis Inc, headquartered in Danbury, Connecticut, which specialises in integrating trading software and bought-in workstations for stock exchange traders, has recently released TradeLook software. TradeLook enables traders to analyse myriad market movements simultaneously by feeding in live data, video feeds, digital feeds and tick by tick digital feeds simultaneously. A real-time data application interface keeps information current and results can be used and displayed in a variety of formats. Users are alerted to changing market conditions through audible alarms or pop-up screens. Christopher Manderson, general manager of Micrognosis UK, said that traders need to work on information coming out of exchanges and information systems at the same time, which necessitated access to the 100 data feeds supported by Micrognosis. TradeLook will remember and recall screen configurations that a trader has constructed to focus on various markets. TradeLook operates on Sun Microsystems Sparcstations. Future versions will operate Digital Equipment Corporation’s VAXstation and IBM’s PowerStation and PS/2. TradeLook can be transported across operating systems, network inter-faces and computer systems. It accommodates English and Japanese Kanji and costs UKP2,000 to UKP20,000 per dealer position, according to which information systems the company requires. TradeLook has been installed in the Credit Lyonnais bank in New York, the First Interstate bank in London, Chicago’s Continental Bank and Tokyo’s Mitsubishi in the past two months.