UKvisas runs the country’s visa services through British diplomatic posts overseas. The office is outsourcing visa application processing for 10 regions across the globe. CSC was chosen to run application centers in the Americans, Europe, and North Africa/Middle East regions, according to a UKvisas statement.

CSC said it will provide visa application services in 15 countries, as well as information services through the Web and call centers to an additional 87 countries in these regions.

The remaining seven regions will be run by Visa Facilitation Services Global Ltd, a privately owned visa services specialist. These regions include: Far East; former Soviet Union; Gulf/Pakistan; South Asia; Southeast Asia; Southern, Central, and East Africa; and West Africa.

According to UKvisas, the combined value of the CSC and VFS shares of the contract for the five-year base period alone is 297 pounds ($583m). The office said the deals will increase the share of visas handled through its third-party network to 87%.