The platform, which integrates CSC’s SICS/nt reinsurance administration software with Q.Know’s information management tool, enables reinsurers to automatically organize and group related information about any given project, such as a treaty, claim, account or customer, whether it resides as email, documents, meeting notes or structured back-office data.

With the new platform, users can access a holistic, up-to-date view of all reinsurance lines of business, including reports on historical activities and current status. Users may drill down to see the latest email exchange with a client, any meetings scheduled and progress on the project to date.

From within the same platform, users can also view notified claims, policy renewal dates and all other structured information. The companies say that this gives reinsurers the power to manage and track underwriting submissions, deal status and overall pipeline activity, and provide a more responsive, efficient service to clients while improving operational productivity.

With this platform, SICS/nt users will now be able to track and manage the entire customer relationship, which largely occurs through e-mail today, said Richard Meyer, chairman of Q.Know Technologies. Combining this information with the back-office history or other deal-related data, we can collectively provide the most complete story for compliance and best practices.