The total value of the contract, which has a one-year base period and four one-year options, is $200 million. CSC estimates the total potential value of its portion of the award to be approximately $66 million if all options are exercised.

Under the terms of the agreement, CSC will provide program management and IT services to the General Services Administration (GSA), including help desk, desktop, mainframe and midrange servers, local area network implementation and network operations and support.

CSC is proud to be a member of the team selected by the GSA to help address the practical issues they face with information management, said James Sheaffer, president of CSC’s federal sector business unit. We look forward to applying our extensive experience and solutions to help consolidate the GSA’s various and dispersed contracts. Standardizing the agency’s IT infrastructure will achieve key results in terms of decreased costs and improved service levels throughout an integrated enterprise network.