CSC, a provider of technology-enabled offerings and services, has been awarded a $75m Labor National Contact Center blanket purchase agreement by the Department of Labor (DOL).

The contact centre order has a one-year base period and four one-year options.

Under the terms of the agreement, CSC will maintain all the hardware, software, services, material, equipment and qualified personnel for the contact centre, will manage and operate the contact centre and provide nationwide toll-free information services to DOL customers.

The services include providing information services to DOL customers with questions about employment, unemployment, wages, workplace safety and health, pension and health benefits, workplace injuries and other related inquiries.

CSC North American public sector enforcement, security and intelligence group president Aaron Fuller said they are pleased to continue their 10-year relationship with the Department of Labor by providing the public with a reliable resource to receive consistent, accurate and current information assistance for all DOL programmes.