Cupertino, California-based Cresta Systems Inc has introduced the MediaModem/AS and Media-Modem/VLX multifunction,V.dsvd – for digital, simultaneous voice and data add-in boards. According to the company, both products feature full-duplex speaker phone, facsimile and modem capabilities, together with support of the Microsoft Corp-Intel Corp application programming interface for Telephony Answering Systems, and 16-bit FM stereo audio compatibility for MS-DOS games and the Windows Sound System. In addition, the MediaModem/VLX adds support for video teleconferencing on Pentium-class computers, with 10 to 15 frames per second rates. The MediaModem/AS will be shipping by the end of the year, priced at around $250, while the MediaModem/VLX will follow early next quarter, and will go for $400.