PayCash offers enhanced patented digital security, authentication and processing features, which enables banked and un-banked mobile phone users worldwide to conduct bill payment, mobile banking, person-to-person transfers and retail payments with their cell phones.

The PayCash Mobile system has been designed to integrate credit, debit and store value cards and bank accounts for the funding of mobile payments. Its technology tools and applications enable users to engage in customized mCommerce mobile payment services, available on all cell phones, regardless of its make, model or service provider. The account can also be linked to a stored value card (SVC), Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover or any merchant gift card that allows users to load funds into the account as well as withdraw money at an ATM.

With more than two billion mobile phone users worldwide, who already browse the internet, check their email, and download games and music, the next logical step is to shop and pay for goods and services on their cell phones, said Joe Barboza, president and CEO at Cyphermint. Our mobile platform enables innovative retailers and financial services companies to extend their customer reach to wherever the customer is globally with a highly secure, easy-to-use mobile payment solution.

The user’s PayCash account can be managed across any platform such as the cell phone, personal computer or any PayCash enabled kiosk.