, the internet software company which last week announced that it had acquired privately held internet development company Creativision Publishing Corp, was rudely awakened on Monday to find that its purchase had made an embarrassing escape. In a press release dated August 14, said that following the acquisition, Creativision’s entire development team had now relocated to’s headquarters in Phoenix, Arizona. But Creativision issued a press release Monday of its own which denied that the acquisition had even taken place. We can only assume that was overly-excited and jumped the gun, said Creativision president Dave Balmer. Creativision Publishing Corporation maintains that it has not been acquired and retains the exclusive rights to its property, the company said in a statement released at 6am Eastern Time. A spokesperson for expressed his surprise at new of the release and subsequently requested a copy from ComputerWire. After digesting the news, the spokesperson suggested that ego problems might have been at play.