Colorado Springs, Colorado-based Cray Computer Corp formally introduced its Cray-4 supercomputer, which uses the same core technologies and manufacturing processes that were developed for the Cray-3, and provides upgradaable, general purpose scientific and engineering systems that will set a new standard for price-performance at the high end of the supercomputer market: the Cray-4, features a 1nS clock cycle, equivalent to a 1GHz crystal, the fastest clock speed of any available system and provides sustained system performance equivalent to or better than any commercially available system for large scale scientific and engineering applications; single processor Cray-4 prototype systems, with 64M-words of memory, are now in testing; Cray expects to begin system benchmarking by the year end and says it is hoping to be able to deliver four and eight processor systems in the first half of 1995; the price for a mid-range 16 GFLOPS Cray-4/8-512 with eight processors, and 512M-words will be under $6m.