Regrettably omitted from Tim Prickett’s splendid piece that explains what the world would be like if operating systems were airlines, (CI No 2,476), was CP/M, so we must hasten to remedy the omission. If you fly CP/M Air you are taken down country lanes to a heavily overgrown airfield, in the middle of which, almost hidden by the long grass, you can just make out a little bug-like craft. You squeeze gingerly through the tiny door, only to discover to your amazement that like Doctor Who’s Tardis, it’s much bigger inside than out, and is extraordinarily functionally furnished, with everything in the right place and working perfectly. With the old 1.5MHz Z80 engines, it got you to your destination pretty snappily, but with the new supercharged 20MHz Z80 engines, you arrive at your destination before you started.