Coveo, a provider of enterprise search technology and information access services, has launched Enterprise Desktop Search application as part of the Coveo Enterprise Search 6.0 platform.

The company said that the new application enables unified and contextually relevant search of cross-enterprise PC and laptop content; a centralised index of all enterprise information; and information monitoring and alerts to ensure compliance with company information policies and regulatory requirements related to employee information access, utilisation and processes.

According to the Caveo, the Enterprise Desktop Search application includes connectors that access, transform and transmit PC and laptop information to the central index of all enterprise information; the Coveo Enterprise Search 6.0 platform and faceted search via a choice of ubiquitous search interfaces. Available application interfaces include the intuitive Coveo desktop search bar, Outlook plug-in, web-based search, mobile smartphone search, and through APIs for cross-enterprise eDiscovery.

The company said, through its BlackBerry mobile access interface, the application allows field employees to access all of their PC and laptop content, even when they are offline, from the central index of enterprise information.

Laurent Simoneau, president and CEO of Coveo, said: “With our roots dating to the early days of Copernic, a global leader in consumer desktop search, we were committed to build the cross-enterprise capability to index and provide unified access for employees to their desktop content, including their email.

“What we’ve done is elevate that access to a higher level, with unified search of not only their individual PCs and laptops, but of contextually relevant knowledge and information residing in any enterprise system, based on IT permissions. In so doing, we’ve placed control over cross-enterprise desktop content indexing, with complete security and access permissions, in the hands of IT.”