The site enhancements allow us to showcase our robust home loan features

and tools while offering consumers access to a diverse number of related

financial services, said Andy Bielanski, Countrywide’s Managing Director of

Marketing. By combining Countrywide’s insurance and investment offerings

with our core mortgage business, we have truly created a one-stop-shop for


The significant changes to the site were driven by Countrywide’s focus on

quality customer service. The new Home Page reflects two primary sections,

Home Loans and Personal Finance. The Home Loans section includes many new

features and tools, making it easier for borrowers to become informed, explore

lending options and quickly find home loans that best meet their specific

needs. It also provides current customers with a wide range of features that

help them manage their current Countrywide loans online.

The second major area of the home page is the Personal Finance section,

which is broken down into insurance and investments. The insurance section

provides detailed information and quote capabilities on many insurance

products. The investment area includes a diverse line of products and

services, along with financial planning tools and access to brokerage
